Microplate Centrifuge

Agilent Technologies Microplate Centrifuge Microplate Centrifuge

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Model No: G5582A 05187-001

Serial No: 0503410

Product ID: 13098

The Agilent Microplate Centrifuge is a small, robot-accessible automated centrifuge that provides both vibration and noise control in a low-maintenance package offering stable high-speed centrifugation for 3 second cycle times.

Ideal for high- or medium-throughput applications such as PCR purification, cell harvesting, and air bubble removal in high-density microplates, the Microplate Centrifuge is capable of rapid customizable acceleration and deceleration, minimizing the required cycle time. With a 3 second loading time and robust motion control, the Microplate Centrifuge can be accessed by most laboratory microplate handlers/robots.  

  • Compact footprint takes up very little bench space and fits easily into integrated systems
  • Automated centrifuge loader and high-throughput door design allow integration with many robotic systems
  • Stackable design increases system throughput without adding to the footprint
  • Dampening isolates vibration from mounting surface and minimizes impact on adjacent instruments
  • Optional microplate loader facilitates microplate handoff and placement into one of two internal centrifuge microplate carriers

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