
BioNex Solutions HiG 5000 Centrifuge:Automated

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Model No: 24553

Serial No: HG-03-5615-05

Product ID: 13091

HiGTM 3 and 4 AUTOMATED CENTRIFUGE Compact, Versatile, Highly Accessible Design The BioNex HiG centrifuge delivers the highest speed of any robot accessible centrifuge on the market today. Capable of rapid acceleration up to 5000 x g, the HiG provides better pelletizing, cleaner supernatants and faster filtration than lower speed centrifuges can achieve. Applications requiring previously unobtainable spin forces are now possible in an automated centrifuge. Faster Filtration, Temperature Control The dual position patented rotor design accepts payloads up to 350 grams per bucket, allowing most microplate configurations to be processed easily, including deep well blocks and filterplate assemblies. Its imbalance tolerance of up to 100 grams is more forgiving of payload weight differences, promoting continual, uninterrupted operation, and provides vibrational stability for other instruments operating on the same platform. The large door opening allows buckets to be accessed directly by a wide range of laboratory robots without an intermediate plate loader, reducing the number of steps required and overall cycle time.

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