Rotor:Swinging Bucket

Thermo Scientific TX-750 Rotor:Swinging Bucket

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Model No: 75003180

Serial No: 6930

Product ID: 12115


TX-750 (Rotor body only) w/Slide Coat anti-friction finish


Swinging Bucket RotorCapacity4 x 750 mL

Max. RCF4,816 x g (with 75-003-608 round buckets, RCF varies with bucket type)

Max. Speed4,700 rpm (with 75-003-608 round buckets, speed varies with bucket type)

Radius (Metric)195 mm

Max. Tube Length139 mm

Max. Tube Diameter98 mm

For Use With (Equipment)Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend XT/XF, Sorvall ST 40, Multifuge X3/X3F, Megafuge 40 and SL 40/40F Centrifuges


Certifications/ComplianceBiocontainment certified by CAMR™, HPA, Porton Down, U.K.

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