Screw Cap Recapper

Micronic BV/INTEGRA Biosciences Screw Cap Recapper Screw Cap Recapper

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Model No: CS700

Serial No: MIC-CS700-297

Product ID: 11598

The Micronic Screw Cap Recapper CS700 line offers users the ability to cap, decap or recap 96 (model CS700), 48 (model CS710) or 24 (model CS720) tubes with Screw Caps in a single action. Designed to improve efficiency, the Micronic Screw Cap Recapper can be used as a stand-alone instrument or be simply integrated into a fully automated laboratory environment. The CS700 decaps Screw Caps from a full tube storage rack in less than 30 seconds! Through the graphical touch screen interface the operator is able to select any rack to cap, decap or recap without using different adapters for different tube sizes. The Screw Cap Recapper uses a precisely determined torque value for optimal sealing quality thereby minimizing sample evaporation and maximizing the integrity of your valuable samples.

Rack compatibility ANSI / SLAS standard 96-format

Cycle time 30 seconds

Dimensions 590 x 251 x 460 mm

Voltage 115 - 230 V

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