AID EliSpot Robotic System Microplate Reader

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Model No: ELROB07IFL

Serial No: ELROB07IFLI303010

Product ID: 12829

AID EliSpot Reader iSpot Robotic System

High throughput 96- and 384-well plate EliSpot/FluoroSpot analysis

Designed for high throughput and traceable results. This is the tool suited for large groups of samples. The AID iSpot Robot copes with up to 30 plates in one automated, walk-away process and will analyze them in less than 90 minutes.

The system is designed to interpret enzymatic EliSpot assays as well as 1-, 2- and 3-color fluorescence assays.

The AID iSpot Robot simultaneously takes high resolution images, auto centers the well, counts/analyzes the plate and exports data in various formats.

Data acquisition is fully automated.

Customized robotic AID Reader Systems are able to handle other plate formats or upscale for more plates per run on request.

Hands-off, walk-away system

Automatic barcode recognition

Integrated system, not a reader/stacker solution

Up to 30 plates in one run

Enzymatic and fluorescent analysis of 96- and 384-well plates in one system

“FluoroAID” image overlay technology

Up to 3 fluorescence filters on board

Evenly spread, long life LED ring and LED fluorescence illumination (optional)

Controlled by a high-end PC

Data export to Excel, PowerPoint, LIMS, .txt-files

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