Liquid Handler

Beckman Coulter Biomek FXp Dual Arm, Multichannel Pipettor Liquid Handler

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Model No: A31844

Serial No: A318440404

Product ID: 11698

Liquid Handlers: Beckman Coulter: Biomek FXp The Biomek FXP is the latest entry in the Biomek line. With an up-to-date hardware design for greater positional accuracy and increased robustness, it can meet the needs of just about any application. It can be configured with either one or two pipetting pods. With its large deck capacity, the Biomek FXP sets the standard for flexible laboratory solutions to meet your changing needs. It puts every aspect of liquid handling – including pipetting, dilution, dispensing and integration – into a single, automated system that is as powerful and flexible as it is efficient and economical.

Configuration shown is for demonstration purposes. Contact us to discuss your application and needs for a customized quote.

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