Liquid Handler

Hamilton Company Microlab Nimbus Liquid Handler

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Model No: 96679-10/D

Serial No: NMBSKF2964

Product ID: 11956

The Microlab NIMBUS workstation is a compact, multi-channel automated liquid handler that offers speed, flexibility, ease of use and superior pipetting performance Integrated options, intuitive software and the backing of Hamilton’s renowned service and applications support makes the NIMBUS workstation an indispensable tool for budget- and space-constrained labs. Using proven air displacement pipetting, the NIMBUS system offers the same liquid handling performance as higher-end systems at a fraction of the price. Open Physical Dimensions (1000 μL) Length: 37.4 in (95 cm) Width: 20.1 in (51.1 cm) Height: 30.3 in max (76.9 cm)

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