Liquid Handler

Hamilton Company Microlab STARlet Liquid Handler

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Model No: 185010-SEG1/X4

Serial No: C668

Product ID: 12191

Liquid Handlers: Hamilton: Microlab Starlet: Platform Deck Size Plate Columns Plate Positions STARlet 1.0 m 5 25 44.3 in (112.4 cm) 31.3 in (79.5 cm) 39.6 in (100.6 cm) 35.6 in (90.3 cm) Work Area Dimensions width: 675mm, height: 195mm, depth: 465mm Weight 135 kg (8 channels), 150 kg (96-probe head and 8 individual channels) Deck Capacity 30 tracks (T) allow combinations of: maximum of 30 tube carriers (1 T) holding 24 or 32 tubes per carrier maximum of 5 carriers (6 T) holding 5 tip racks or 5 plate positions per carrier Positional Accuracy X-Y-Z positional accuracy of 0.1mm Tip Sizes low volume: 10ul, standard volume: 300ul, 50μl tips, high volume: 1000ul. Only for 5ml channel: 5ml tips. Only for 384-probe head: 30ul, 50ul and 4to1 tip adapters. Needle Sizes low volume: 10ul, standard volume: 300ul, high volume:1000ul, needles available only for individual channels Liquid Level Detection Individual Channels: Capacitive liquid level detection (cLLD) and pressure (pLLD) on aspiration, cLLD on dispense, minimum volume 10ul, depending on container type 96- and 384-Probe Head: Capacitive liquid level detection (cLLD) Operating Data maximum power consumption 600 VA or 1000 VA (depending on configuration) voltage 115 V~/230V~ frequency 50 / 60 Hz ± 5% delayed action fuse 115 V~: 6.3 A, 230 V~: 3.15 A operating temperature range 15 C - 35 C (relative humidity 30% - 85% with no condensation)

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