
Inheco Multi TEC Control Controller:Shaker/Heating

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Model No: 8900030

Serial No: 2820

Product ID: 11831d

The INHECO Multi TEC Control (MTC) is a compact plug & play temperature controller for the use with INHECO’s CPAC, HeatPAC and temperature controlled shaker devices. The controller box includes a temperature controller with high accuracy, six device connector slots, a display, a wide range power supply for worldwide use, an USB interface and a rugged housing. Six different CPAC, HeatPAC and Shaker devices can be controlled simultaneously and independently. The MTC can be individually equipped with controller slots for the CPAC / HeatPAC device as well as with controller slots for temperature controlled shakers. The device slots can be exchanged easily, giving maximum flexibility. The MTC can be either operated manually using the touch screen, or through an USB interface. The soft- and firmware of the controller allows programming of complex temperature and shaking sequences.

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