Thermal, Shaker/Heater

Inheco Thermoshake RM Thermal, Shaker/Heater

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Model No: 7100144-B

Serial No: 1823

Product ID: 10090

Technical Data incl. Dimensions Thermoshake RM p/n 7100144 116 mm [4.567 in] Length x width147 mm x 104 mm [5.787 in x 4.095 in] Input voltage / max. current24Vdc / 5.3Adc Temperature range+4°C to +70°C [+39.2°F to +158°F] Maximum ∆T (=Tambient- Ttarget)25°C (cooling mode only)[77°F] NoiseMax. 42dB(A) Maximum load1.0 kg (→ also performance curve) Shaker frequency weight reduce the max. speed100 to 2000 rpm(→ also performance curve) Shaking amplitude 2 mm [0.07874 in] Shaking pattern Orbital, linear (diagonal, lengthways, sideways) Protection Category IP 22 Weight including cables3.5 kg [7.7 lbs]

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