Formulatrix Mantis Liquid Handler

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Model No: 15306

Serial No: 0015

Product ID: 10300

The MANTIS automated liquid handler is the easy and affordable solution to quickly increase the reproducibility and quality of your research as well as throughput and efficiency of your laboratory. The diaphragm-based chip design is liquid class compatible, easily dispensing aqueous and organic solutions. Additionally, the MANTIS will dispense in any SBS template from 6 to 1536 well plates, and can be easily programmed to dispense to custom designs as needed. Key Features High Precision Low Volume Dispensing Minimize Reagent Waste Speed and Throughput Import CSV Templates Integrate with External Systems Micro-diaphragm Technology RFID Sample use tracking Small foot print Intuitive User Interface (UI) Reagent Compatible (Mastermix, beads, buffer 70% glycerol, DMSO, etc)

Configuration shown is for demonstration purposes. Contact us to discuss your application and needs for a customized quote.

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