PerkinElmer JANUS G3 Standard, 8-Tip + MDT Liquid Handler

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Model No: 19421

Serial No: JA1652N1897

Product ID: 11321

The JANUS® G3 automated liquid handling workstations offer flexible automated sample preparation solutions to meet your specific application needs. The JANUS G3 portfolio includes both dedicated, application-specific workstations and personalized automated solutions. The JANUS G3 workstation can be configured based on the size of the instrument, pipetting armtechnology, labware movement options, and a number of other accessories to fully automate your application. To accommodate your choice of deck size and pipetting arm, PerkinElmer offers four different versions of the JANUS automated workstation; the JANUS G3 Mini, Standard, Expanded, and Integrator workstations. These JANUS G3 workstations offer flexibility in throughput, capacity, and dynamic volume range to meet your needs.

Configuration shown is for demonstration purposes. Contact us to discuss your application and needs for a customized quote.

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