Opentrons Labworks Flex 96-Channel Pipette (5-1000 μL) Pipette

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Model No: 999-00196

Product ID: LH-FlexPP96

Opentrons Flex 96-Channel Pipette

The Opentrons Flex 96-Channel pipette enables accurate high throughput pipetting, optimized for working in 96-well plates. Flex Pipettes use air displacement technology to offer highly accurate pipetting with pipette volume ranges from 5 – 1000 μL.

Smart sensors support automatic calibration, real-time positioning, and error detection. The 96-channel pipette occupies both pipette mounts and can easily be removed and swapped to an alternate pipette configurations to adapt your workflow needs.

Four 96-Channel Tip Rack Adapters are included with the purchase of one Flex 96-Channel Pipette.

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