Automated Barcode Scanner/Reader

Tecan PosID-3 150 Automated Barcode Scanner/Reader

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Model No: 30013915 01

Serial No: 1605005529

Product ID: 11754

PosID provides automatic barcode reading for labware and carriers at any position on the worktable. Carriers and labware can be automatically identified before or during processing, confirming the identity of samples, reagents and assay vessels. The PosID module is mounted at the rear of the worktable on Freedom EVO® 100, 150 or 200 platforms. The module can identify barcodes mounted on labware carriers, identifying in the first instance which labware type is present on the carrier. The unique pull-back mechanism then automatically moves the carrier across the path of the barcode scanner which orientates itself automatically to decode barcodes mounted vertically or horizontally on standard labware, such as tubes, microplates, deep-well plates, and gel cards. The PosID can indicate if a position is empty, for example, a sample tube position that has not been loaded will receive the status “no tube”, and will not be processed. A barcode that is obscured or missing will be logged as unidentifiable and and will not be processed. Alternatively, a standalone barcode reader, used instead of the PosID module, can scan codes on labware during transfer by a RoMa Arm.

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