Liquid Handler

Thermo Matrix PlateMate Plus Liquid Handler

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Model No: 18420

Serial No: 1-07246

Product ID: 11095

Liquid Handlers: Thermo Scientific Matrix: PlateMate Plus The Thermo Scientific Matrix PlateMate Plus combines the versatility of the Matrix PlateMate 2x2 platform with integrated stackers for increased throughput and greater walk-away capabilities. The instrument offers the choice of eight pipetting heads that can pipette 96 or 384 samples at once, with volumes as low as 0.1 ul. The Matrix PlateMate Plus can be configured to access 96-, 384- or 1536-well microplates, and its four deck positions can accommodate plates, reservoirs or tip wash stations. Benefits Four interchangeable air-displacement and four interchangeable positive displacement pipetting heads are available to offer the flexibility of channels, volume ranges and applications, as well as ease of service Four microplate stages accommodate microplates, reservoirs or tip wash stations as well as transfers plates between stackers and the pipetting head 25 or 50 plate stacker chimneys allow for automatic movement and processing of microplates, microtube racks or reagent reservoirs High resolution X-Y-Z plate positioning (0.05 mm) ensures reliable tip access into 96-, 384-, 864- and 1536-well plates Two peristaltic pumps support on-board active reagent replenishment and pipette tip washing Non-contact liquid level sensors trigger automatic replenishment of reagent reservoirs Barcode reading capability allows automatic tracking of microplates as they are moved on and off the work deck Windows-based graphical programming interface supports fast, easy creation of complex pipetting applications Length 52 in/ 1324 mm Depth 16 in/ 411mm Height 25 Plate Stackers 29 in/ 721 mm 50 Plate Stackers 41 in/ 1041 mm Weight 180lbs/ 80kg Power 50/60Hz, 100~240 V, 100VA Maximum Power Consumption <1

Configuration shown is for demonstration purposes. Contact us to discuss your application and needs for a customized quote.

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