Liquid Handler

TTP Labtech Mosquito Nanolitre Liquid Handler

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Model No: 23609

Serial No: 1546

Product ID: 12821

Liquid Handlers: TTP Labtech: Mosquito HTS Both TTP Labtechs mosquito HTS makes assay miniaturization for high-throughput screening simple, leading to significant savings on precious reagents and time. Both instruments are ideal for multi-user labs as you can just walk up to either one and use it. Using mosquito HTS means you can prepare assay ready plates containing test compounds direct from library stocks or dilution plates, as the disposable micropipettes guarantee zero carry-over between samples. mosquito HTS can aspirate from any source plate leaving dead volumes of less than 0.5uL both critical cost areas to consider when capitalizing on the savings of assay miniaturisation for high throughput screening assays. You can easily program mosquito HTS to perform traditional serial dilutions by aspirating, dispensing and mixing across a plate using miniaturised volumes ranging from 25nL-1.2uL. This allows you to effectively perform hit-confirmation from high-throughput screening assays using multiple compound concentrations. TTP Labtech's mosquito HTS has an optional bulk dispenser module which allows rapid high and low volume pipetting steps to be combined within the same protocol. TTP Labtechs mosquito HV bridges the gap between nanolitre and microlitre liquid handling. Serial dilutions can be carried out using cost-saving miniaturised volumes in standard plates. Final volumes of between 2 to 8uL of serially diluted samples are easily achieved. For additional time saving, mosquito HV can also stamp directly from dilution plates to assay plates as part of the same protocol. mosquito HV leaves dead volumes of under 1 µL per well. Hit Picking TTP Labtechs mosquito X1 nanolitre hit picking system simplifies hit confirmation and secondary profiling following high-throughput screening assays. It is easily integrated into automated systems to offer true walk-away cherry picking of hit samples at an attractive throughput. mosquito X1 gives you precision sampling from any individual well in any plate, so you can quickly select nanolitre quantities of hits from a variety of plates and transfer these directly to the next screening stage without further dilution. mosquito X1 also uses disposable micropipettes to guarantee zero cross-contamination, ensure accurate and reproducible pipetting throughout the 25 nL–1.2 uL range and even pierce plate seals. Genotyping PCR is expensive. By miniaturizing the assay, TTP Labtechs mosquito nanolitre liquid handling capabilities can reduce the reagent cost of real-time PCR and SNP genotyping by up to 90%. In addition mosquito's disposable micropipettes have the added benefit of eliminating cross-contamination

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