BioTek Instruments MicroFlo Select w/Stacker Dispenser

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Model No: 10139


Microplate Dispenser: BioTek Instruments: MicroFlo Select The MicroFlo™ Select Dispenser is the latest development in dispensing technology offering superior 6- to 1536-well microplate dispensing flexibility in one compact instrument. In fact, it’s the first instrument of its kind to offer a wide range of choices in dynamic dispense volumes (1 µL – 10 mL), microplate types, sample tube sizes, and automated dispense height adjustment, along with a full range in cassettes to accommodate dispensing requirements now and into the future. The proprietary cassettes each incorporate the appropriate tubing, tip properties and accurate dispensing technology to deliver full and reproducible incremental volumes of liquid within its specified volume range, even after numerous autoclave cycles.

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