Integra Biosciences AG VIAFILL Dispenser

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Model No: 15949

Serial No: 56110031

Product ID: 10650

Bulk reagent dispensers require a significant investment or users need to buy multiple expensive modules to build the desired dispenser. Additionally, these dispensers only offer eight channel cassettes which dispense in two passes to fill a 384 well plate. This increases the dispensing time and the risk of cross contamination. The VIAFILL is an affordable bulk reagent dispenser featuring a touch screen graphical user interface for simplistic programming. Users can easily alternate between 8 and 16 channel dispensing cassettes for rapid filling of 6 to 1536 well plates. The addition of the stacker allows for filling bulk quantities of both non-lidded and lidded plates. Volume Range 0.5 µl to 9999 µl Dimensions (W x D x H) 37.5 cm x 30.5 cm x 24.0 cm Operating Conditions 5° to ~35 °C, <80 % Humidity Weight 10.66 kg Compatible Formats 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 384 and 1536 well plates (shallow and deep) Bore Size Of Plastic Tubing Sets Small: 0.3 mm, Large: 0.5 mm

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