Thermo Labsystems Multidrop Combi Smart Dispenser

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Model No: Type 836

Product ID: DSP-MDC-836SM

Multiple Instruments Available!

Thermo Scientific's Multidrop Combi nL is a nano to micro volume bulk reagent dispenser expanding the range of the market leading Multidrop product family offering easy entry to precise, accurate and reliable low volume dispensing in pharmaceutical and biotechnology laboratories.

Reliable low volume dispensing: Multidrop Combi nL brings increased precision and accuracy into sub-microliter dispensing ensuring day-to- day reproducibility and high-quality assay data.

High throughput: The fast dispensing speed combined with full robot compatibility ensures increased assay throughput for laboratories needing low volume assays formats.

Increased flexibility: Multidrop Combi nL can be controlled with an easy to use PC software which offers an increased feature set and flexibility for the user.

Simplicity: Intuitive visual user interface makes all functions easy to set up and use. The Multidrop Combi nL dispensing technology offers reliable dispensing with easy maintenance.

Specifications: Plate types: 96-, 384-, 1536-well plates; including 96-, 384 tubes in rack format Plate adjustment: Automatic Dispensing volume range: 50 nl - 50 μl Dispensing precision (CV%): 50 nl: CV≤10% / 0.5 μl:CV≤5% / 1-10 μl μl:CV≤4% / >10 μl:CV≤2% Dispensing accuracy: <1 μl: ±5% / >1 μl: ±2% Dispensing speed: 384-well plate: 50 nl in 6 seconds 1 μl in 8 seconds / 1536-well plate: 50 nl in 21 seconds 1 μl in 27 seconds Dead volume: <1.2 ml

Interface: Serial RS-232, USB Overall dimensions: 220(H) x 355(W) x 375(D) mm 8.6(H) x 14((W) x 14.7 (D) Weight: 9.6 kg (21.2 lbs.) Power requirements: 100-240 Vac, 50/60 Hz, nominal

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