Thermo Matrix WellMate Dispenser

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Model No: 15172

Serial No: 344

Product ID: 10256

Matrix WellMate brings unparalleled flexibility and cost-efficiency to microplate dispensing. It is the first instrument of its kind to offer disposable, pre-sterilized tubing cartridges and rapid dispensing in a wide volume range (1 µl to 2,000 µl). The Matrix WellMate accommodates virtually any microplate—from six to 384-wells—or any height 96-position tube rack. Simply raise or lower the dispensing head to the required height and the Matrix WellMate can handle everything from deep- and shallow-well plates to storage tubes as tall as 89 mm. Once the microplate and dispensing head are in place, the Matrix WellMate can be programmed to dispense volumes from 1 µl-2000 µl in increments of 1.0 µl. Dimensions (W x D x H) 14.5”/ 36.8 cm x 12.0”/ 30.5 cm x 8.5”/ 21.6 cm Weight 24 lbs/11 kg Power Supply 100 V AC or 240 V AC Power Consumption 110 V, 50-60 Hz

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