Microplate Stacker:Automated

Agilent Technologies Labware Plate Stacker Microplate Stacker:Automated

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Model No: G5586A

Serial No: SG2135L002

Product ID: 11520

The Agilent Labware Stacker is a sequential microplate stacker that receives and dispenses microplates and other labware in laboratory automation systems. It can manage a variety of labware, including deep-well and shallow-well plates, pin tools, tip boxes, and lids.

The Labware Stacker adds capacity to integrated lab automated systems in a flexible way with different rack sizes on a small footprint. Quickly replace and replenish large quantities of stacked labware to keep your automated system running.

  • Compact design and small footprint makes it easy to integrate into systems
  • Easily integrate multiple instruments to expand capacity
  • Fits front- and top-accessible racks with different standard plate capacities

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