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Model No: 23649
The BenchCel 6R™ Platform is an integrated benchtop robot and microplate storage system that delivers the speed and precision of a full-sized automation platform but with a much smaller footprint. The BenchCel Platform features a highspeed plate shuttle that accesses 6 integrated microplate stacks and peripheral instruments. This customizable, modular design provides the flexibility and scalability required to meet the needs of the most diverse laboratory environments. Adding to the BenchCel Platform’s versatility, the delidding function removes and replaces microplate lids as necessary.
Stack types: Top Load or Front Load
Stack Capacity:
Top Load: (660mm,860mm) (~48 MTP, ~63 MTP)
Front Load: (250mm,660mm) (~18 MTP, ~48 MTP)
-Air Supply Tubing
-Safety Shield
-E-Stop or Jumper
-Power Cord
-QA/QC Documentation
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