Robotic Arm: PreciseFlex PF400

Brooks/Precise Automation PreciseFlex Arm PF400 Robotic Arm: PreciseFlex PF400

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Model No: PF00-MA-00400 750z/STD

Serial No: F0C-2009-9I-02028

Product ID: 12904

Microplate Handler: Precise Automation: PreciseFlex: PF400 PreciseFlex Sample Handler The PreciseFlex is a 4-axis sample handler that is ideal for benchtop applications where price, ease-of-use, space requirements and safety are critical. Optimized for Benchtop Life Science Applications This low cost, quiet OEM mechanism is designed to optimize the cost, safety and performance of your workcell. The controller and harness are embedded within the sample handler's structure. Combined with its space saving design, the PreciseFlex is able to service many stations in an extremely small workcell. Also, this sample handler includes safety features that disable motor power when a minimal, unexpected force is encountered, thus allowing the PF to operate without safety shields in benchtop applications. Powerful Motion Control The PF features a powerful embedded Guidance Vision-Guided Motion Controller. This controller offers unique free mode teaching aids and excellent capabilities for automatically generating elegant and reliable motion sequences. Its features permit you to program smooth straight line and arbitrarily complex paths by simply moving the sample handler by hand to start and end positions and letting the controller handle the rest. Combined with a simple, yet powerful programming language, kinematics for Cartesian motions and quiet, high performance servo motors, the PF reduces cycle times with the most efficient motions possible. General Specifications Range & Features Range of Motion & Resolution J1 (Z) Axis 400 mm standard, 750 mm option available J2 Axis +/- 90 degrees J3 Axis +/- 167 degrees J4/Theta Axis +/- 970 degrees Gripper Standard servo gripper can grip Life Science plates in both portrait and landscape orientations. Software can control squeeze force (between approximately 0-23N for close force, 0-10N for open force) and open/close speed. Safety features include: (1) protection against dropping plates when sample handler is powered down or e-stop pressed (gripper provides 7-10N of close force when motor power is off) and (2) detection of when a plate is being held by the gripper. Options include gripper fingers and special servo grippers for handling vials and test tubes. Maximum reach Standard Reach Version: 576 mm Extended Reach Version: 731 mm Repeatability +/- 200 μm overall in x, y & z directions at 18-22 degrees C Performance and Payload Maximum Acceleration 0.2G with 500 gm payload (standard reach, extended reach slightly slower) Maximum Speed 500 mm/sec with 500 gm payload (standard reach, extended reach slightly slower) Maximum Payload 1kg including gripper, 0.5kg with typical 0.5kg gripper Motors Brushless DC servo motors with absolute encoders on axes J1-J4, no motion during homing. Interfaces General Communications RS-232 channel, 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port, E-stop input, all available on J1-Axis housing Facilities Panel at the robot base Digital I/O Channels One optically isolated input available on J1-Axis housing Facilities Panel. Option available for an additional 12 optically isolated digital inputs and 8 optically isolated digital outputs on J1-Axis housing Facilities Panel. Two digital inputs can be optionally converted to analog inputs. Additional remote I/O available via Precise RIO modules or 3rd party MODBUS/TCP devices Operator Interface Web based operator interface supports local or remote control via browser connected to embedded web server Programming Interface Three methods available: DIO MotionBlocks (PLC), embedded Guidance Programming Language (standalone, modeled after Visual Basic.Net), PC control using open source TCP/IP Command Server operated via Ethernet connection (TCP). Required Power Input range: 90 to 264 VAC, single phase, 50-60 Hz, 365 watts maximum Weight 20 kg for 400 mm travel version Linear Rail Option Configurations Any model of the Sample Handler can be mounted on the Linear Rail with all external cabling for Handler internal to the Rail. Repeatability +/- 50 μm Maximum Speed 700 mm/sec Dimensions 1 M travel version – 1.37 m long x 0.23 m deep x 0.12 m high 1.5 M travel version – 1.87 m long x 0.23 m deep x 0.12 m high 2 M travel version – 2.37 m long x 0.23 m deep x 0.12 m high

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