Microplate Reader

BMG Labtech NEPHELOstar Plus Microplate Reader

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Model No: 22052

Serial No: 504-0201

Product ID: 12036

The NEPHELOstar Plus is a microplate nephelometer with a high-intensity laser diode. It can be up to thirty times more sensitive than traditional transmission optical density readers that measure the reduction in direct light passing through a sample well. Thanks to its speed, flexibility, and performance, the NEPHELOstar Plus allows more applications to be adapted to microplate-based laser nephelometry than ever before.


  • Adjustable laser intensity and beam diameter
  • Measurement in up to 384-well microplate format
  • Incubation up to 45°C or 60°C
  • Linear, orbital and double-orbital shaking
  • High-precision injectors with simultaneous reagent injection and detection
  • Microplate Stacker and robot compatible
  • Easily integrated into automated systems

Detection Modes

Nephelometry (light scattering)

Measurement Modes

Endpoint and kinetic

Microplate Formats

Up to 384-well plates

Microplate Carrier

Robot compatible

Light Sources

Self-monitoring laser diode

Wavelength 635±10 nm

Stability <0.2% deviation

Lifetime 20,000 hours

Output: 1 mW

Selectable beam width: 1.5 to 3.5 mm

Selectable intensity 0-100%

Scattering angle: detects up to 80° full cone angle


Side window photodiode detector

Wavelength Selection


Wavelength 635±10 nm


Depending on particle size and liquid properties

Silica detection (particle size 0.5 to 10 µm) 800 nM

Dynamic Range: 5 decades

Maximum count rate (2,000,000 Relative Nephelometry Units (RNUs) per second)

Read Times

Depend on assay conditions and liquid surface stability

Shortest times possible: 16 s (96), 47 s (384)


Linear, orbital, and double-orbital with user-definable time and speed

Purge Gas Vent

System to inject an atmosphere or to pull a vacuum into the reader


+4 °C above ambient up to 45 °C or 60 °C

The upper heating plate of the incubation chamber operates at 0.5 °C more than the lower plate. This prevents condensation build-up on the lid or sealer


Multi-user Reader Control and MARS Data Analysis Software included

FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliant


Width: 44 cm, depth: 48 cm, height: 32 cm; weight: 25 kg

Reagent Injection

Up to 2 built-in reagent injectors Injection at measurement position (6 to 384-well) Individual injection volumes for each well (3 to 500 µL) Variable injection speed up to 420 µL/s Up to four injection events per well

Reagent back flushing

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