Microplate Reader

Tecan Sunrise Microplate Reader

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Model No: 16039400

Serial No: 1208001520

Product ID: 12852

Sunrise is a versatile microplate absorbance reader for 96-well plates providing all the functionality needed for the numerous applications in diagnostics, biotechnology and research laboratories. The Sunrise microplate reader has been designed to meet the 98/79/EC directive of the European Union for in-vitro diagnostic products and its compact space saving design makes it ideal for stand-alone use as well as integration into automated ELISA-systems such as the Freedom EVOlyzer®. Options such as temperature control, different filter slides and a barcode scanner can be added to create a fully customized instrument configuration. The Sunrise microplate reader can easily be controlled from an external PC in remote control mode using the advanced Magellan™ data reduction software.

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