
Heraeus Cytomat Incubator:Automated

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Model No: 6001

Product ID: CYTOMAT6001

Incubator:Automated: Thermo Electron North America LLC: Cytomat 6001 The Cytomat 6001 has a total volume of 7.8 cu.ft. ( 220 l ) and a smooth stainless steel inner casing with rounded corners. The patented air jacketed heating system, a direct heated water reservoir and the tiny automatic access door combine to ensure stable environmental conditions and fast recovery times. This is especially important during the loading and unloading process. To achieve the specified temperature range of +10°C to +50°C the cytomat 6001 is prepared to be connected to an external thermostat. A large maintenance entrance provides easy access to the inside of the unit, to the incorporated Plate Shuttle System and the carousel with nine removable stainless steel stackers. The cytomat 6001 is equipped with an automatic start-up function called auto-start. It also offers the unique auto-zero function, a patented self-balancing CO2 control system that ensures constant, long-term stability of CO2 levels and in turn more stabile pH values in the culture media which is important for cell-based assays. Temperature range: +10°C to 50°C, with thermostat Humidity: > 90 %RH CO2 Control: 0 - 20 % Capacity: 189 microplates for 96 or 384 well-plates Access Time: 35 s Automatic Access Door W/H: 200/300 mm 7.9/5.1 inch External dimensions: 895/860/810 mm 35.2/33.8/31.9 inch

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