
Liconic Instruments STR-240 HR IT Incubator:Automated

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Model No: 9143 00 92

Serial No: 5965

Product ID: 12895

STR Periscope New Automated Incubator Generation This unit shares the same footprint as the STX220, but with greater capacity. The STR240 will hold up to 240 MTP with 23mm pitch. It's ideal for multiple cassette/sample configurations. The unit sits entirely under the workstation or liquid handler deck. Multiple transfer-station can be used to increase production and throughput. The STR240 is ideal for protein crystallization work because the carrousel can be stationary with the Star concept allowing the periscope the only moving part, reducing vibration and movement of the samples. While allowing full remote access on handling and climate functions, you are still able to manually access the cassettes and samples through the large front door for loading and unloading your product. For better access to cassettes located in the back of the incubation chamber the integrated carrousel maybe positioned automatically or be rotated manually. The STR240 Series supports a wide temperature and humidity range. Namely the STR240 is available as IC (Incubation), HC (high humidity cold storage), DC (dry, low humidity cold storage, HR (high humidity wide temperature range incubator), DR (dry, low humidity wide temperature range storage), and AR (adjustable humidity). Where low vibration is needed the climate part of the unit can be separated form the incubation chamber. Mechanical dimensions of all STR240s are identical and independent of any Climate Options. 115 x 91 x 150cm 240 kg

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