
Liconic Instruments STX-44 HRSA Incubator:Automated

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Model No: 9118 05 00

Serial No: 1700

Product ID: 12088

The STX44 is designed for integration where the instrument is located on the floor. The STX44 incubators have their handling and climate controls on the lower part of the instrument. The robotic access Gate is located in the upper part of the housing. The SA configuration does not require table space and an SA configured StoreX can easily be put in position without the need of placing the unit on a table. The STX44-xxSA can be used as basis for an STX44-xxBT allowing an extremely space effective integration of two incubation chambers. Like all members of the StoreX family the STX44-SA can be equipped with a large number of options and a wide selection of useful accessories. Package Dimensions, cm (LxWxH) 83 x 79 x 148 88 kg

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