3862 Cytomat Hotel 800 Hotel Carousel

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Model No: 50085658

Serial No: 40903506

Product ID: 12868

Specifications Temperature range: Ambient Humidity: Ambient Number of stackers: Max. 9 Stackers system suitable for deep-well plates and Tip Boxes Access time: maximum 20 s Access mode: random access of individual plates Rated Power: 0.15 KW Heat dissipation: 0.01 KWh/h Outer dimensions: acc to footprint 50103847 Capacity Plates acc. to ANSI /SBS 1-2004: 1536-well plates – Stacker Pitch 17: 252 pc 96-well or 384-well plates – Stacker Pitch 23: 189 pc Transwell or insert plates – Stacker Pitch 33: 135 pc Deep-well – Stacker Pitch 50: 90 pc Tip-boxes, with height up to 64 mm – Stacker Pitch 69: 63 pc.

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