Thermo Scientific Cytomat 10 Hotel Carousel

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Model No: 50139108

Serial No: 41985163

Product ID: 12512

Designed to fit into the busiest of cell biology or screening laboratories, the Thermo Scientific™ Cytomat™ 10 Hotel ambient storage is the ideal solution for high‑capacity random access storage (210 SBS microplates) at ambient conditions.

The latest product of the Cytomat 10 series is based on the Cytomat 10 C automated incubator. It can be seamless integrated with existing automated assay hardware and provides the same fast access time of less than 10 seconds.

The Cytomat 10 Hotel (PH) offers multiple transfer positions, dual access point (DAP) and as combined benchtop-under bench solution, it allows flexible placement within the laboratory.


CE Marked

Access Time

Below 10 sec.

Chamber Material

Stainless Steel


280 Pc. 1536-Well Plates, 210 Pc. 96-Well or 384-Well Plates, 150 Pc. Transwell or Insert Plates, 100 Pc. Deep-Well


Stainless Steel

Temperature Range (Metric)



Ambient Storage


Fast Ambient and Random Access Storage; Metal Cover, Dual Access Point (DAP)



Width (English)27.6 in.Width (Metric)701 mm Height (English)30.6 in.Height (Metric)779 mm Depth (English)33.0 in.Depth (Metric)840 mm

Electrical Requirements

100/230 V, 50/60 HzVoltage100/230V

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