BioTek Instruments ELx405 Plate Washer

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Model No: ELx405R

Serial No: 201306

Product ID: 800-8117

Microplate Washer: BioTek Instruments: ELx405 (ELx-405) R Over the last 20 years, BioTek has become the leader in microplate washing. This proven expertise in the design and manufacture of the highest quality microplate washers has evolved into the ELx405 Microplate Washer. Precise, fast and easy to use. For those applications that use only 96-well microplates, the standard ELx405 Microplate Washer is an ideal choice for performance and value! The ELx405 is the most precise and reliable washer available. Many unique features lower background absorbance values and increase the signal-to-noise ratio of typical ELISA assays. The ELx405's patent pending Ultrasonic Advantage™ offers effortless washer manifold maintenance. Scientists regard unexpected clogging of manifold tubes to be the largest contributor to assay failure. Cleaning these tubes is a time consuming and labor intensive process. BioTek's Ultrasonic Advantage™ incorporates the power of ultrasonic cleaning to make the ELx405 the first self-maintaining microplate washer.

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