Eppendorf Mastercycler ProS Vapo Protect 96 Thermal Cycler

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Model No: 6325

Serial No: 6325ZP710949

Product ID: 10498

Features: Extremely fast heating and cooling rates Ultimate reduction of evaporation Gradient blocks with SteadySlope technology Applications: Standard PCR Optimizing a PCR Fast PCR Specifications: Sample capacity: 96 x 0.2 ml PCR tubes or 1 PCR plate 8 x 12 (unskirted, semi-skirted, skirted – according to SBS standard) Temperature control range of the block: 4 – 99 °C Temperature control mode: Fast, Standard, Safe Heating technology of the block: Peltier elements, Triple Circuit Technology Gradient range: 1 – 24 °C Gradient temperature range: 30 – 99 °C Lid temperature range: 37 – 110 °C Lid descent and closing pressure: protect® technology, with TSP USB port: Included Block homogeneity 20–72 °C: ± 0.3 °C Block temperature accuracy: ± 0.2 °C Block homogeneity 90 °C: ± 0.4 °C Heating rate: 6 °C/s 1 Cooling rate: 4.5 °C/s 1 Gradient block: Over 12 rows Total weight: 5 kg Power supply: 110 V, 50-60 Hz power consumption: 950 W Dimensions 26 × 41.5 × 37 cm Thermoblock: Silver

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