Roche LightCycler 480/384 Real-Time PCR

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Model No: 19246

Serial No: 1173

Product ID: 11283

The LightCycler 480 Real-Time PCR System is a high throughput gene quantification or genotyping real-time PCR platform with exchangable blocks for 96 and 384 samples in multiwell plates. It offers enhanced throughput compatibility with automation equipment maximum flexibility regarding hardware and software The LightCycler 480 Real-Time PCR System can complete a 348 well PCR run in 40 minutes. The LightCycler 480 Real-Time PCR System features a compact and versatile benchtop instrument that includes interchangeable thermal block cycler units for 96- and 384-mulitwell plate formats. The system is operated by a separate desktop data station based on Windows XP. SPEED & ACCURACY Benefit from our novel thermal cycling and data capture technologies to achieve outstanding temperature homogeneity and assay reproducibility. Increase the sensitivity and yield of your real-time PCR applications, with robust LightCycler ® 480 reagents and specially engineered consumables. Analyze true raw data, breaking free from the need to use passive reference dyes or normalization plates to get accurate results. VERSATILITY & CONVENIENCE Choose either 96- or 384-well plate formats, exchanging thermal block cyclers in just a few minutes with no recalibration time. Select from numerous assay formats and detection dyes, expanding the range of real-time PCR applications in your lab. Discover the intuitive, user-friendly Roche software interface, including novel step-saving short cuts for high-throughput sample and data handling. COMPATIBILITY & SECURITY Take advantage of the LightCycler ® 480 Instrument's automation capabilities, integrating it as part of a LIMS in combination with robotic pipetting and plate loading. Enjoy the extensive analysis capabilities of the modular LightCycler ® 480 Software, with high-end algorithms that ensure accuracy and reproducibility. Know that your data are protected, using a system compatible with 21 CFR part 11 requirements. Dimensions (without computer) 60 cm x 60 cm x 54.5 cm (24 in x 24 in x 21.5 in) (W x D x H) Weight Approximately 55 kg (121 lbs) Computer Windows 7 Sample Number 96 or 384 Reaction Vessel 96-well PCR plate, 384-well PCR plate Reaction Volume 96-well PCR plate: 10 - 100 μL; 384-well PCR plate: 5 - 20 μL Excitation Source Broad-spectrum, high-intensity LED (390 – 710 nm) Excitation Filters 440, 465, 498, 533, 618 nm (System II) Detection CCD camera Detection Filters 488, 510, 580, 610,640, 660 nm (System II) Measuring Mode Real-time, online (continuous display of readings) Temperature Control Peltier-based heating/cooling Run Time <40 minutes (384-well PCR plate)

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