Liquid Handler

PerkinElmer JANUS Expanded, MDT Liquid Handler

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Model No: AJLM001

Serial No: DG09084299

Product ID: 9385

A liquid handling solution that provides real-time and future adaptability in throughput, plate capacity and dynamic volume range. The JANUS Automated Workstation with proprietary Modular Dispense Technology (MDT) delivers all of these benefits -without compromising performance or methodology. Hands-off, on the fly adaptability in dynamic volume range and microplate densities for up to 1536 wells. Dispense heads can be automatically switched, within a single protocol, to go from nanoliters to microliters in seconds, with no user intervention. Adjust throughput and capacity easily AND integrate with other accessories or instrumentation for complete walk-away automation. Precision pipetting with the widest dynamic volume range available. JANUS Automated Workstation with MDT is truly adaptable based on your needs. Start with one of three JANUS platforms: Choose from Standard, Expanded or Integrator to accommodate your choice of deck size and dispense arm. Include a gripper 'pick and place' robotic arm with the Expanded or Integrator models. Interface with other laboratory devices with the Integrator model, including PlateStak, plate readers, shakers, etc. Choose single- or dual-arm systems for dispensing and labware movement 4-tip or 8-tip dispense arms with Varispan™ for multi-tipped processing from tubes to vials to plates. Tip options include fixed, washable tips, disposable tips, or both. 96- or 384-tip Modular Dispense Technology (MDT) dispense arms for automatic on the fly switching of heads for optimal precision pipetting and performance. Unique MDT NanoHead™ dispense heads take assay miniaturization to another level with 384-tip processing down to 50 nL with C.V.s less than 13%. With the JANUS Automated Workstation, you can easily reconfigure it for more throughput, capacity or dynamic volume range -- just add a second integrated labware movement module. To accommodate additional microplate capacity or disposable tip boxes, simply add a PlateStak microplate storage device.

Configuration shown is for demonstration purposes. Contact us to discuss your application and needs for a customized quote.

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