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TubeEye for PosID

SciRobotics Blood Fraction Extraction and Analysis for Tecan Freedom EVO #SCIR-102500
SciRobotics TubeEyeX Blood Fraction Extraction and Analysis and Sample Barcode Reading Add-on for Robots


SciRobotics Blood Fraction Extraction and Analysis and Sample Barcode Reading Add-on for Robots #SCIR-302500

Upgrade Software

SciRobotics Upgrade Pickolo to Picolo MI #SCIR-101420
BioTek Instruments Valve Module ELx405

Valve Module

BioTek Instruments ELx405 #12048a
BioTek Instruments Valve Module ELx405

Valve Module

BioTek Instruments ELx405 #12158b
BioTek Instruments Valve Module ELx405

Valve Module

BioTek Instruments ELx405 #12597
BioTek Instruments Valve Module ELx405

Valve Module

BioTek Instruments ELx405 #ALE-12598
BioTek Instruments Valve Module ELx405

Valve Module

BioTek Instruments ELx405 #ALE-12599
BioTek Instruments Valve Module ELx405

Valve Module

BioTek Instruments ELx405 #ALE-12600
BioTek Instruments Valve Module ELx405

Valve Module

BioTek Instruments ELx405 #12608c
BioTek Instruments Valve Module ELx405

Valve Module

BioTek Instruments ELx405 #12654a